Anki for IELTS – Watch me showing a student how to use Anki to learn basic tenses and auxiliaries

Watch me and a student at Mc IELTS using Anki to learn some basic tenses and auxiliaries

Anki for IELTS

In the video below, I spend about 10 minutes showing a student how much and how quickly you can learn things by using Anki.

Of course, you can use it to learn any language or any fact-based material.  In fact, after language learners, the biggest Anki users are medical students, who have to learn massive amounts of information, such as the names of every bone in the human body.

Get the file used in this video here.

In order to use this file you will need to install Anki first.

For instructions on how to install and use Anki, see my Anki Youtube series here.

Download the Anki file for PCs and Macs here

You can also use it on your Android device - go to the Playstore and search for Ankidroid

If you're serious about Succeeding in IELTS, make sure that use Anki - it's the easy way of learning.

Here's the YouTube playlist for my live teaching recordings.

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